Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Koyomk`awi Noto Sewi Ma`a, Perparing for the Breath of Life In Washington D.C.

"Language Is Culture, Without One The Other Is Lost, Culture Is Language's Voice" By Matthew S. Williford Gramps (Pano)
As the time draws near for the Koyomk`awi Noto Sewi Ma`a Language Team to depart for Washington D.C. and the Breath of Life Conference, I feel a sense of urgency. Not a negative sense but a knowledgeable one. Recently, I have become aware of Coyotes hanging around the Maiduan Languages. These Coyotes, like to confuse language and its purpose for our cultures. Just as the Maidu Nation has many cultures, some alike, some completely different. We have different Languages and forms of speaking these languages, aka dialects.
In order for Ja akum Ni to stay true to our dreams, ancestors, and the next Koyomk`awi Noto Sewi speakers, we must stay true to our beliefs and ideas of how we would have spoken our language in our areas, and of the Northern Fork. This is what I call traditional, the knowledge of speaking the dialect your ancestors spoke, the first language. I feel the need to search deep in these up coming archives, because when I sleep I keep seeing these dialects or words, and their are many other majdy around me, speaking of these words as dead or lost. Many scholars say 3-5 dialects of the Koyomk`awi Language are lost or dead, I feel as though their just hidden. Hidden just as like a Majdy dancer hides from himself.
I ask Coyote, "Koyomk`awi womi wewe, hesi mi hyc`ik? Wewe mi k'ah, ni uton heno? I ask him if he has hidden these words, did you forget where, I will seek for the, Coyote. With our language our culture begins to show its face, as well as our society's will begin to come out of hiding from those you said it was evil, and or labeled "Devil Worshipping". Welcome back, It has been to long. Take your time we will be waiting for you and so will our children! O


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you went you traveled far on an airplane and you got to injoy d.c and the museum you archived your language and you found a dialect that your people used that you thought didn't exist anymore...I proud of you
