Friday, April 26, 2013


  In my last trial of life, I have came to see the strength not only in ones self, but also in a humans spirituality. A human can not do this on their own, a human must remember his/her ancestors and connection to our mother, Earth. A statement I had heard once now shines bright in my soul," For some singing is praying". Many people say my native language Koyomk`awi (Northern Fork of the Feather River Dialect) is dying, but for me and many of my majdum, we say our language is growing. For every time one of us speaks in our language it's as if a wildfire has been lit, and has spread through out the forest.We as well as our language are alive and kicking. With the remembrances of our true language our spirit has caught fire, as well as our culture. Bowey, is one word for praying in our language and Kodoyampe is our Creator. We do not talk as we pray, we sing. As many Native people our cultures and languages have been around for 1000's of years, and as I see it both will be around for a 1000 more.

In writing is, I ask all Native people to speak at least 10 words a day from your language. It just doesn't show we may stand on broken legs, and keep walking. It shows our souls and spirits can and will never be broken! And for the non believers and stereotypical skins, They tried to take our language and she is scared from her battle, but she won the U.S. World War 2!!!!!! O